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Skin Check

Skin Check

At Sunrise Skin Cancer Clinic, we provide full body skin checks and spot checks to help with the diagnosis of skin cancer. A spot check is a quick and easy process where we look for any suspicious spot which is of concern to you. A full skin check involves a thorough examination of your full body.


During the check, a doctor will use a magnifying lamp and/or a hand-held skin microscope called a Dermatoscope to examine your skin and record any of interest. It's a non-invasive procedure that can help detect skin cancer early on.

We respect your privacy, and most skin checks will be performed with under garments on as parts of the body, such as breasts, genitals, and buttocks, are not examined regularly. However, if you believe you may have a suspicious spot in one of these areas, you may request to have it examined as a part of your skin cancer check.

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