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If a skin cancer is detected, it's important to act quickly. Removal is the only way to ensure it won't spread to the surrounding tissue or other organs. Don't hesitate to consult with a specialist if you have any concerns about your skin health.


Liquid nitrogen is a simple and non-invasive method used to freeze off skin cancer. The process involves applying the nitrogen using a hand-held gun, which may sting a little on application. Afterward, a small welt appears, which scabs over and heals within a week.


Mohs surgery is commonly used for skin cancer removal in sensitive areas of the body. It involves scraping the skin successively and analyzing it under a microscope until all of the cancer has been removed, with the intention conserving as much normal skin as possible.


Surgical removal is the most common method used to remove skin cancer. The procedure involves removing the cancerous area along with some surrounding skin under local anesthesia. Sutures are used to close the wound. In some cases, a flap or skin graft may be necessary depending on the size of the excision.


Imiquimod (Aldara) and Fluorouracil (Efudix) are topical creams that can be used to treat certain types of cancer. These creams are applied by the patient over a period of several weeks and work by destroying cancer cells. It's important to note that these creams are only effective for certain types of cancers.

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